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Feed The Hungry January Volunteer Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie would like to thank all our club members & friends who joined us at the "Feed the Hungry" event this weekend. Feed the Hungry provides a warm, home cooked meal to anyone in our community who needs one every Sunday right here in Milwaukie! If you or your organization would like to learn how you can help support this terrific community resource, please reach out at:

Annual "Holiday Bowling Party"

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie would like to thank all the club members, friends & family that joined us for our Annual "Holiday Bowling Party" this year. A special thanks to fellow club member Champ Husted & the amazing staff at Milwaukie Bowl for hosting our group.
Happy Holidays from all your friends at the Rotary Club of Milwaukie!

Umbrella Parade & Holiday Tree Lighting Volunteer Event!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to help out at the City of Milwaukie's Annual Umbrella Parade & Holiday Tree Lighting again this year! In addition to helping cover the cost of refreshments, our club members & friends handed out cookies, cocoa & hot cider to parade participants & spectators. This annual community event is always a favorite to start off the holiday season!

CCPOBF "Shop With A Cop" Volunteer Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was super excited to again participate in the Clackamas County Peace Officers Benevolent Foundation's Annual "Shop With A Cop" event! CCPOBF helped over 100 children from Clackamas County; pairing them with a law enforcement officer to shop for the holidays. Participants in SWAC have had enforcement contact with police or require assistance for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this may involve an adult family member or older sibling who may have been arrested. Volunteers wrapped the gifts chosen by participants for them!
If you would like to learn more about you or your organization can support this program or all the other work the CCPOBF does here in our community, please visit them at

LoveOne Milwaukie November Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was so happy continue our support of LoveOne Milwaukie by helping out at their Milwaukie South event. LoveOne is a love driven non-profit community-based organization committed to serving our Clackamas County, Oregon neighbors in need on a regular basis providing clean laundry, showers, meals, personal care resources, and community connections. Please visit to learn more about this tremendous community resource.

Happy to Support NCPRD's "Halloween Bash"


NCSD/Wichita Center For Family & Community "Coats For Kids"

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to help support the NCSD's Wichita Center for Family and Community's annual "Coats for Kids" event again this year! With the help of our club member's donations and volunteers, this year's event provided over 700 coats & jackets to children here in the North Clackamas Schools District. If you would like to learn more about how you can support the efforts of the Wichita Center for Community & Family, please visit:

Milwaukie-El Puente Elementary "Battle of the Books"

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon is excited to continue our support of the Milwaukie El Puente Elementary School's "Battle of the Books" program & presented them with a check for $1,000 to purchase books used in both English & Spanish languages for this year's program. Club members will be invited to help facilitate the competitions later this year as well. Oregon Battle of the Book’s mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students.

Feed The Hungry October Volunteer Event!

Thank you to all the Rotarians & friends that joined us to cook & serve a warm meal to those in need with Feed The Hungry, Inc. today! Feed the Hungry provides a home-cooked meal to anyone in our community that needs one every Sunday, right here in Milwaukie! If you would like to learn more about this tremendous organization and how you or your organization can support their efforts, please visit their FB page for more details!

"Adopt-A-Road" Lake Road Clean-Up!

Thanks to all the Rotarians & friends who came out to help us with our "Adopt-A-Road" clean-up of Lake Rd.! It was a beautiful day and volunteers covered Lake Road; from Milwaukie High School - SE 51st Ave., as well as around the campus of Rowe Middle School.
If you or your organization would like to learn more about how you can get involved & make an impact in your community, please join us for an upcoming Local Community Service project; you don't need to be member of our club to participate.

Congratulations Whitney Eikmeier!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon was excited to present Whitney Eikmeier with her first Paul Harris Fellow Award at today's club meeting! The Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) award is a Rotary International recognition given to people who contribute or have contributions made in their name to the Rotary Foundation. The award is given to recognize substantial contributions, and to encourage Rotarians to give more.
You can learn more about the PHF by visiting:

"Sustainability Fair 2024"

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon was excited to again help sponsor & participate in the Milwaukie Environmental Stewards Group "Sustainably Fair" this weekend! Members of our club provided information on our Environmental Committee's ongoing efforts to expand the "Pollinator Pathway" project we've spearheaded throughout our Milwaukie, our club's continued efforts to get the City of Milwaukie designated as a "Bee City", as well as providing native flower seeds and other goodies promoting the Rotary Club of Milwaukie's work supporting our environment!

Welcome to the Club Jenny Alsman!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon is excited to introduce our newest club member, Jenny Alsman! Jenny is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones right here in Milwaukie, Oregon and we're looking forward to her involvement with our club.

LoveOne Milwaukie August Volunteer Event

Another amazing evening helping out our friends at LoveOne Milwaukie! The Rotary Club of Milwaukie is so grateful to continue supporting this terrific community organization and help serve our neighbors in need. LoveOne is a love driven non-profit community-based organization committed to serving our Clackamas County, Oregon neighbors in need on a regular basis providing clean laundry, showers, meals, personal care resources, and community connections. If you aren't already familiar with LoveOne or would like to learn how you can help support their mission, please visit them at
The Rotary Club of Milwaukie is excited to share an exciting Membership update at today's meeting. We officially welcomed our newest club member, Chuck Burroughs, and presented "Blue Badges" to two of our newest club members, Tyler King & Richard Benson! Chuck lives in the area, is interested in giving back to the community, and is looking forward to enjoying the fellowship of Rotary. Richard was previously a long time member of the Ashland Rotary Club and has already become a regular participant in club meetings & Local Community Service events. And Tyler has earned his "Blue Badge" by working through our new member checklist, he has become a regular participant in club activities, and has already taken on a leadership role as our new Club Services Chair!

Welcome to the Club Carrie Baranowski!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon is pleased to welcome Carrie Baranowski officially as our newest member to the club! Carrie has ties to Rotary through her father's involvement with Rotary and has already shown great enthusiasm in getting involved with a variety of our volunteer opportunities. As Milwaukie resident, Carrie is passionate about her community and hopes to utilize her creative talents as an artist with her work with Milwaukie Rotary. Please join us in welcoming Carrie Baranowski to our Milwaukie Rotary Club family!

NCSD "Backpack Giveaway" at the Wichita Center for Family & Community

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was so excited to help participate in the North Clackamas School District's "Backpack Giveaway" at the Wichita Center for Family and Community! In addition to donating $500 to help purchase backpacks & school supplies for returning NCSD students, volunteers help sort, pack, and hand-out backpacks and school supplies to students & families in need. If you or your organization would like to learn more about this program and others like it that happen at the the Wichita Center for Family & Community, please visit them at

Welcome to the Club Sandie Chapman & Connie Fontaine with OnPoint Community Credit Union!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon is pleased to introduce our newest Corporate members with OnPoint Community Credit Union, Sandie Chapman & Connie Fontaine! Both Sandie and Connie have already been involved in numerous organizations & events that serve our local community and are enthusiastic about getting involved with our club. Please welcome Connie & Sandie to the club!

Welcome Milwaukie PD Chief Ryan Burdick to the Club!

The Rotary Club is pleased to present City of Milwaukie Police Chief Ryan Burdick with his Blue-Badge at today's club meeting! Chief Ryan Burdick was hired by Milwaukie PD in January 2002 and has served Milwuakie PD in detectives, as patrol Sergeant for ten years, and as the Detective Sergeant. He was promoted to Operations Captain in 2019 and then Chief in April 2024 (
We're excited to have Chief Burdick as an official member of our club!

Welcome to the club Emma Sagor!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon is excited to introduce our newest club member, Emma Sagor, acting City Manager for the City of Milwaukie! Among the many issues Emma helps our city navigate, she has been instrumental in collaborating with our club's Environmental Services Committee in pushing forward our club's efforts to get the City of Milwaukie certified as a "Bee City USA".
Welcome to our club Emma!!

Feed The Hungry July 2024

Thanks to all the Milwaukie Rotarians & friends who joined us to help out at the Feed The Hungry. Feed The Hungry provides a warm meal for anyone who needs it, every week right here in Milwaukie! If you or your organization would like to help this tremendous organization, please reach out directly at:

"The Magic of Rotary"

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie had a terrific evening celebrating another amazing "Rotary" year. We thanked our out going President, Alexa Morris & welcomed our incoming President, Rosie Herboth; who's Rotary International theme will be "The Magic of Rotary". Our club's leaders, committee chairs & members look forward continuing to support our local & global community!

American Cancer Society of Oregon "Walk For Life"

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was proud to again sponsor & participate in the American Cancer Society of Oregon & Southwest Washington's "Relay For Life of the Mid-Valley". This year's event was again at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm & Vineyard in Woodburn. In addition to raising money to help fund research, the Walk For Life "celebrates Survivors, remembers those we have lost, and Fight Back as a community to end cancer."
If you or your organization would like to learn more about this tremendous annual event, please visit

Elk Rock Island Work

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie's Environmental Services Committee & club members were excited to join the Milwaukie Parks Foundation, North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District, City of Milwaukie Island Station Neighborhood District Association and the City of Milwaukie at this weekend's Elk Rock Island Work Party. In addition to removing invasive species from the area, we were also treated to a geology, history, ecology and native plants ID’s of the different ecosystems on the island.

Wichita Center For Family & Community Support

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie is proud to continue to support the Wichita Center for Family & Community's and the "Back to School" event scheduled for August 2024. Our club presented them with a check for $500 to be used for school supplies & backpacks for students in the North Clackamas School District and Milwaukie Rotary will also be volunteering later this summer at the Wichita Center; handing out backpacks and organizing school supplies & resources at the center.
If you'd like to learn more about how the Wichita Center for Family & Community supports students in our area, please visit them at

Parrott Creek "Inspiring Lives" Sponsor

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was honored to continue our support of the Parrott Creek "Inspiring Lives" Benefit Event this year. Parrott Creek Child & Family Services supports youth & families impacted by the juvenile justice & child welfare systems and those struggling with addiction, with programs that range from early interventions and community support to outpatient treatment and intensive residential services. You can learn more about this tremendous community resource and find out how you or your organization can help support their work by visiting them at

Welcome Tyler King!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon is excited to introduce & welcome our newest member, Tyler King to the club! Tyler is resident of Milwaukie and works as a Realtor with Windermere Realty Trust. He's active in several community organizations in our community and his enthusiasm & engagement has already been a great asset to our club. Please join us in welcoming Tyler to our Rotary family!

Local Community Service Grant to The Mustang Advocacy & Equity Club

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie presented Milwaukie High School's Mustang Advocacy & Equity Club a check for $2,400 at today's meeting to help fund their on-gong program to improve the student lunch program at Milwaukie High School & help curb off-campus truancy. Funds were requested through our Local Community Service Grant application and will be used to purchase picnic tables that will be used on campus to provide a comfortable alternatives to students during their lunch & snack breaks. Earlier this year, the Mustang Advocacy & Equity Club's student members presented our club members with their research & possible solutions to help reduce student truancy using snack-program's and alternative seating options on campus.

LoveOne Milwaukie May Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was so excited to help our friends at LoveOne Milwaukie and join them at their monthly event at QED Laundromat on Wednesday. LoveOne provides up to 3 loads of laundry, as well as toiletries, a variety of social services/resources, and a meal to anyone in need here in our community. If you or your organization would like to learn more about how you can support this terrific organization, please visit them at

Earth Day & "Pollinator Pathway" Kick-off!

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was so excited to participate in the Earth Day festivities and the inaugural "Pollinator Pathway" kick-off in downtown Milwaukie. This project was spearheaded by our club's Environmental Services Chair, Colleen Rockwell & celebrates the addition of the City of Milwaukie into the worldwide Pollinator Pathway map!

Congratulations Khaliyah!

Woo hoo... We're very excited to present Khaliyah Williams-Rodriguez her Blue Badge at today's club meeting! Khaliyah is the Senior Director Equity Engagement and Enrollment for North Clackamas School District & an active corporate member of our club. "Blue Badges" are awarded to new members who complete a variety of tasks that help introduce & familiarize them with club processes & offerings. We are looking forward to Khaliyah's continued involvement & participation!

The Clackamas Bookshelf Volunteer Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to lend a hand at The Clackamas Bookshelf; cleaning & sorting donated books at their main facility at Kraxberger Middle School. The Clackamas Bookshelf provides free books to low-income children in Clackamas County, with the understanding that widespread access to books offers positive, long-term benefits to our entire community. If you'd like to learn more about this terrific organization or how you can get involved, please visit them at

Rowe Middle School Support

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was happy to present Rowe Middle School with a check for $1,000 to help support their student snack program & meal support at after-school events. In addition, Milwaukie Rotary donated a raffle basket for the school's upcoming Spring Family Night in May.

March 2024 Adopt-A-Road Volunteer Event

Thanks to all the members, students & friends who came out and participated in our Lake Rd "Adopt-a-Road" event this morning. Volunteers picked up trash along SE Lake Road and both Rowe Middle School & Milwaukie High School campuses.

Environmental Committee at Work!

Members of the Rotary Club of Milwaukie & our Environmental Services Committee are making an impact at Minthorn Springs Wetland. 🙂
Minthorn Springs Wetland is part of the Kellogg Creek Watershed and is a 6.52 acre forested and open water wetland where 37th Ave meets Railroad Ave in Milwaukie. Over the past two decades, it has been restored from a degraded blackberry and reed canarygrass infested mitigation project to a thriving, healthy wetland; home to a variety of birds, mammals, snakes, salamanders, butterflies and dragonflies.
On the second Saturday of the month, volunteers join @thewetlandconservancy to remove invasive species of English ivy and clematis to help the native plants thrive.

LoveOne Milwaukie February 2024 Volunteer Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to help support LoveOne Milwaukie at their Milwaukie South February event! LoveOne Milwaukie provides up to 3 loads of clean laundry, as well as toiletries, snacks, and other resources to our neighbors in need. If you'd like to learn more about the tremendous work LoveOne Milwaukie does here in our community, please visit them at

Kellogg Creek Stewardship Day

Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon club members & friends joined the North Clackamas Watersheds Council at today's Kellogg Creek Stewardship Day. Participants spent some time learning about the Kellogg Creek Restoration & Community Enhancement Project, before heading outside to manage invasive species.
The Rotary Club of Milwaukie's Environmental Committee partners with local organizations supporting activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment.

Elk Rock Island Fish Habitat Restoration

Rotary Club of Milwaukie members & friends of our Environmental Committee joined the Northwest North Clackamas Watersheds Council & North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District installing over 240 used Christmas trees at Elk Rock Island to provide salmon habitat in the South channel over the weekend. This annual event encourages recycling/reuse & supports our local fish populations!

"Feed The Hungry" January 2024

A HUGE thanks to all the club members & friends who came down to help cook and serve at today's Feed The Hungry event. Feed The Hungry serves a warm, home-cooked meal to anyone in our community who needs one every Sunday! If you or your organization would like to learn how you can support this terrific community resource, please contact them at:

City of Milwaukie Umbrella Parade & Holiday Tree Lighting Volunteer Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to partner again with the City of Milwaukie and provide cookies & hot chocolate to participants in the annual Umbrella Parade & Holiday Tree Lighting.  This annual community event is a seasonal favorite here in our community and our club is proud to help out & celebrate with our neighgors.

Hillside Park Community Holiday Parade

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to again partner with the Providence Milwaukie Hospital Foundation to purchase food baskets, gifts & toys for the residents Clackamas County, Oregon's Hillside Park & Hillside Manor community here in Milwaukie, Oregon. Hillside Park & Hillside Manor is operated by the Clackamas County Housing Authority, providing housing to low income, disabled residents and senior citizens here in our community. Volunteers distributed items to families and sang Christmas carols to during the afternoon procession.

CCPOBF "Shop With A Cop" Volunteer Event

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon was so excited to volunteer at the Clackamas County Peace Officers Benevolent Foundation's annual "Shop With A Cop" event. Each year the CCPOBF provides a "shopping spree" opportunity with a uniformed law enforcement officer to children throughout Clackamas County. Those kids who participate typically have had experience with law enforcement in the past; usually through contact involving guardians or other relatives. Participants holiday shop with law enforcement, providing a positive & fun interaction and event volunteers provide gift-wrapping for those items the kids purchase.
To learn more about the Clackamas County Peace Officers Benevolent Foundation and what they do here in our community, please visit

"Protecting the Environment"

Members from the Rotary Club of Milwaukie's Environmental Committee joined Historic Milwaukie NDA's road clean up this past weekend to share information on "Leave the Leaves" campaign & other projects our club is doing to promote Rotary International's commitment to "Protecting the Environment".

International Day of Peace 2023

The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon, the City of Milwaukie, Oregon and the Oregon Department of Forestry have planted a Hiroshima Peace Tree on the grounds of the block of the former City Hall for the City of Milwaukie, Oregon (near the corner of SE Jackson & SE 21st Ave.) . The Rotary Club of Milwaukie, Oregon hosted a dedication ceremony on Thursday, September 21, 2023; the International Day of Peace.
Kellogg Creek Watershed Clean-up
The Rotary Club of Milwaukie was excited to participate in the SOLVE Watershed Clean-up at Kellogg Creek today! This SOLVE Summer Waterway Cleanup Series, in partnership with Clackamas Water Environment Services, Depave, Bobs Red Mill, World Salmon Counsel, and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council, helped remove harmful litter from our area's streams, rivers and community!
"May Peace Prevail on Earth"
The Rotary Club of Milwaukie recently installed our club's latest "Peace Pole" on the campus of Willamette View in our club's continuing efforts to support Rotary International's on-going Peacebuilding Club mission to support projects that promote peace and conflict resolution, involves youth in peace projects and provides financial assistance to the Rotary Peace Centers that train Rotary Peace Fellows and Rotary Peace Scholars.
The "Peace Pole" Project began in the mid-1950s by Mr. Mashisa Goi, of Japan, whose family was greatly affected by WWII. Mr. Goi dedicated his life to spreading the idea “may peace prevail on Earth.” There have been over 200,000 Peace Poles planted, worldwide, and there are Peace Poles planted in nearly every nation on Earth. District 5100 is the most active Rotary district in the world and the Rotary Club of Milwaukie has installed dozens of "Peace Poles" throughout the city of Milwaukie and surrounding community that include schools, city buildings & private business.
If you or your organization would like to learn more about our club's efforts to promote peace or would like to host a "Peace Pole", please contact our "Peacebuilding" committee: 
Weekly Club Meeting Location
We meet In Person & Online
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Milwaukie - Portland Elks Lodge
13121 SE McLoughlin Blvd.
Milwaukie, OR 97222
United States of America
Remote meeting options are available. Members should have access to link once logged in & guests can contact our Club President for access information.
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President
Immediate Past President
Assist Treasurer
Membership Chair
Rotary Foundation
Local Community Service Chair
Environmental Committee Chair
Vocational Service
Youth Exchange Chair
Youth Service Chair
Speaker Coordinator
Club Foundation President
Social Committee Chair
PeaceBuilding Chair
Webmaster/Social Media
Weekly Newsletter/Bulletin
Club Sheriff
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Bruce Weaver
    February 9
Follow Us!
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Weekly Club Meeting Schedule
Upcoming Speakers
Alexis Baker
Feb 11, 2025 12:00 PM
501 Collective
Melissa Frantz
Mar 04, 2025 12:00 PM
Second Home, a program of EMOregon
William Anderson, Milwaukie City Councilor
Mar 11, 2025 12:00 PM
City of Milwaukie Updates
Elton Frice, Director of Development at 4D Recover
Mar 18, 2025 12:00 PM
Helping youth and young adults overcome addiction
Past Speakers
Greg Geist
Feb 04, 2025 12:00 PM
Clackamas Water Environment Services
President Rosie Herboth
Jan 28, 2025
Club Assembly
Upcoming Events

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